Title The role of ECT in political party development for political reform according to
The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560
Field Politic
Name Saweang Boonmee Course NDC Class 59
The propose of studying ECT’s role and political party development in Thailand
was to set up the direction in political party development for the political reform according to
Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560. To develop political party to be a strength
political institute which would lead to develop in democracy and political system, The study had
found that the office of the ECT had 3 important roles to complete that objective.
The first role was to regulate and investigate political party to operate activities in
political party’s principle in the term of a democracy regime of government with the King as Head
of the state. The second role was to protect and suppress political party that executed any
activities that had a negative influence on political party principle, state security and also public
interest. Finally, the office of ECT had the role to promote and develop political party by using
any plans and directions which made into a main strategy plan for developing political party to be
a political institute so that political party would educate and promote people, so they could
involve in political system and could participate and investigate in political party activities and
understand how important of the political party in democracy system was.