Title Drug Problem Resolutions for Sustainable Security through Civil State
Field Social - Psychology
Name Maj Gen. Nathawut Junhanandana Course NDC Class 59
Omkoi is one of Chiang Mai districts where it locates in remote area and suffers
from opium cultivation. This study aims at studying civil state approach in sustainably solving
drugs and security problems in Omkoi district. It employs the qualitative approach to study the
situation and problems in operation of civil society and government agencies by using document
research and in-depth interviews with 30 key informants, then the data was qualitatively analyzed.
The study found that Omkoi grows opium poppies the most in the country due to its higher return
rates than normal agricultural products and health care services in Omkoi are difficult to access.
Although there are harm reduction centers, they are not covered in all areas and still lack of health
care personnel. The results from SWOT analysis together with civil state approach found 6
strategies including 1. Establishing state mechanism 2.Treatment 3.Community empowerment
4.People participation 5.Personnel allocation 6.Transportation. Key success factors for the success
of opium resolution are: continuation support from the executives; local participation; basic
infrastructure provision; educational promotion; well-being of local people; secured occupation;
accessible transportation; leader capacity building and people engagement in problem solving
processes in order to create networks between governmental agencies and civil society. The
suggestions from the study is that there should be directing committee in each strategy and the
future research should employ mixed methods in order to get more data so that it can better craft
the policy according to the civil state approach.