Title "The Army Special Forces’ operational guidelines for its support
in solving problems in the southern border provinces : a case
study on how to set up operational agents"
Field Military
Name LTG Narong Sabaiporn Course NDC Class 59
This research study has the following objectives: to evaluate factors and
conditions in the southern border provinces affecting an establishment of operational
agents and to set guidelines for effectively establishing operational agents to support
the eradication of the process of indoctrinating youths. This study focused on the
unrest in the southern border provinces from 2547 B.E. to 2559 B.E. that affected the
special force's establishment of operational agents to support the eradication of the
process of indoctrinating youths during the 2555B.E.-2559 B.E. period. It is a
qualitative research study; the researcher used in-depth interviews and focus group
discussions to gather and analyze data.
The findings revealed the following factors and conditions that affected
the establishment of operational agents to support the eradication of the process of
indoctrinating youths: 1) The Malay Muslim way of life that is different from that of
the Thai Buddhists and the history of the Thai state (Siam) that used to govern the
Pattani territory; 2) The remaining tendency that violence still exists; 3) Insurgencies in
many vulnerable areas involving those who were indoctrinated; 4)The establishment
of safety zones as a result of meetings between representatives of the Thai
government and the opposition; 5) Development and improvement of Pondok School
to meet the standard; 6) Development of the model economic triangle; 7) Reduction
of adherence to ideologies inciting violence; 8) The Barisan Revolusi Nasional : BRN
Action Group's desire to fight for a separate state; and 9)The expanding influence of
the IS (Islamic State) in Southeast Asia.
The guidelines for establishing operational agents to effectively support
the special force's efforts to eradicate of the process of indoctrination are as follows:
1) Increase the force's capabilities to establish operational agents; 2) Review the
status of the special force's covert operations to assist the establishment of covert
operational agents; 3) Look for benefits gained from the Pondok school development
project; 4) Sustain the operation in the target area for at least one year and six
months ; 5) Make the force that specializes in setting up operational agents an
evaluation unit; 6) Organize practice workshops for high-level administrators of
Forward Section, Internal Security Operations Command, Region 4; and 7) Develop
the special warfare school to make it capable of establishing operational agents by
encouraging public participation in finding solutions to problems of the eradication of
the indoctrinating process while keeping in mind the political consequences of the
reduction or elimination of opportunities affecting the people in the area.