Title : Role of military unit in addressing natural resource & environment
for security issues.
Field : Military
Name : Maj.Gen.Chaiwin Phookphunth Course NDC Class 59
This research aims to study and analyze resource security issues. The At
present and in the future on, this natural resource has been invaded by the people
who want to make use of the area for the living or for industrial investment. Besides,
the government want to use that area to build the irrigation systems. This will effect
the natural environment and the way of life of the neighboring communities. The
resulting conflict follows. This research is base on the study of solution to the
problem of invasion of natural resources and environment of the nation. The military
units in the area help solve the problem including interviews from the people
involved in the area and the one who directly affected. The results showed that
government agencies were recognized as able to solve problem.As well as effectively
suppress the conflict. The military is ready to practice and gain faith from the people
to act decisively fair. This will permanently secure the natural resource and
environment inthe future.The suggestions are as follows :1. The state must strengthen its
people in order to be aware and to jointly protect and preserve natural resources in
their own community 2. The state must put in place measures to prevent officials
involved in natural resource operations from committing an offense or seeking
benefits 3. The state must create ideologies for the youth and pepple in areas with
complete natural resources to know the value of the need to heal 4. The state must
establish mechanisms to monitor the work of government agencies and private
sectors for a clean hand and musual understanding 5. The state must provide public
participation in the expression of opinion on the approach of state officials to the
public and private sectors to take action in areas with natural resources 6. Understanding what
to do should give state officials in all parts of the areas and allow the officials taking
part in all activities 7. News work is important to the boss's dicisions.Local military
officers must consider the process of obtaining accurate and accurate information in
order to help resolve the problem in the area 8. Coordination between local
organizations and local leaders in the area is important and neccessary for the state
to create a consistant understanding and to allow the state working in the same
directions 9. What military units must be aware of is the act of faithful duty,
honestly,uphold the law and be the primary coordinator.