Title Structural and management of Thai Government against drug problem.
Field Social -Psychology
Name Colonel Trakool Foojareonyos Course NDC. Class 56
Thailand is one of the countries facing drug problem for ages. The government of
Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra raised drug problem as a national agenda and launched the
strategy of Thai government’s anti-drug campaigns and establishes National Command Centre for
Combating Drugs (NCCD) as a center of narcotic control and the Anti drugadministration centers
in every level form Central Government to local administration. Bangkok governor also set up the
Bangkok Command Centre for Combating Drugs (BCCD) as a central command and establishes
Bangkok District Command Centre for Combating Drugs (BDCCD) for the district command.
However, the research found that those Bangkok command centers did not operated effectively.
Each government agency operated separately focused on their main function but not collaborate
with each others. The epidemic of Drug used and Trafficking are seriously spread all over
Bangkok district especially juveniles. The researcher is therefore suggested restructring those
Command Centers for Combating Drugs to improve their management, operation and
collaboration in order to be more effective on narcotic control, reduce drug used and trafficking.