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National Defence Studies Institute

เรื่อง: The Coordination between The Indonesian Armed Forces and Local Government in Natural Disaster Management A Case Study of The Incident of Mount Agung Eruption, (วปอ.9175)

วิทยาลัยป้องกันราชอาณาจักร, I Gede Widiyana, (วปอ.9175)


ติดต่อหน่วยเจ้าของ (N/A)


i ABSTRACT Title : The coordination between the Indonesian Armed Forces and local government in natural disaster management : A case study of the incident of mount Agung eruption Field : Strategy Name : Colonel I Gede Widiyana Course : NDC Class : 62 Indonesia located on the meeting point of several tectonic plates, located between two continental plates (the Eurasian Plate and Australian Plate) and two oceanic plates (the Indian Plate and Pacific Plate). These plates move in relation to one another and frequently make collisions. This condition makes Indonesia very vulnerable to natural disasters, especially volcanic eruptions and earthquakes Indonesian Government agencies that play a role in managing natural disasters at the central level are Indonesian National Board Disaster Management (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana) and assisted by other institutions including the Indonesian National Armed Forces. In Bali Island, there is an active volcano, Mount Agung. In 2017 Mount Agung has eruption. At the time, the Author served in the Province of Bali as Commander of Military Resort 163 and took part in assisting and cooperating with local governments and related elements in implementing disaster relief management. This experience shows that there are weaknesses in coordination between the military and the local government. This research can be used as a lesson learn to find out what ii steps need to be taken in the future in dealing with natural disasters that are likely to occur again in this region. The Author doing this research because of these four reasons. First is to gain knowledge about the effectiveness of natural disaster management that has been done so far. The second one is to Learning and understanding how the coordination that has been implemented between the Indonesian Armed Force with the local government in natural disaster management. The third is to identify factors that can obstruct the coordination between the Indonesian National Armed Forces and the local government, find a solution, and can give useful suggestions. And the last is expected to be beneficial for other countries that may have potential natural disasters especially in Southeast Asia and may be adapted according to the situation and conditions faced by the country. The objectives of this research are to examine how local government carried out coordination with the Indonesia Armed Forces during the implementation of disaster management of Mount Agung eruption in Bali Province. The second one is to study what laws affect the implementation of disaster management tasks related to coordination between local government and the Indonesian Armed Forces. And the third is to provide an approach or recommendation on how to establish good coordination between the military and the local government in managing natural disasters. To achieve the objectives, this research uses qualitative research methods and the analysis is descriptive. The author uses several theories to analyze the data and facts obtained, namely The nature of military assistance in disaster by W. Nick Carter in A Disaster Management Handbook. The Second is the Civil-Military cooperation theory by iii Samuel P. Huntington. The third theory is Role theory by BJ. Bildlle. And the last theory is Concepts Military Operation Other than War by US Joint Staff Doctrine. This research consist of five chapters, the first chapter is about the introduction. The second is about the literature review. the third chapter is the data and facts about the coordination problem. The fourth is analyst related data and fact. And the last chapter is summaries some conclusions. With the research conducted, several results and recommendations were obtained. First, it is necessary to make a law that explains the role of the Indonesian armed forces in natural disaster management. Second is to need another law to execute the task of disaster management. The third is to need good coordination in the procurement of communication devices to get communication interoperability. Four is between government and all related parties need joint training in disaster management. The last is need regulation at the level of the regional government to state clearly the role of Indonesian armed forces during emergency response.