Title : The Rubber Solution for Economic Security
Field: Economics
Name : MR.Sommai Lakananurak Course : NDC (SPP) Class : 7
The study of rubber solution guideline for economic security through the assessment of
national rubber solution from the previous situation shows that obstacles resulted from the capability
development project of Farmer’s Institute to maintain rubber stability and entire system of rubber solution
project in 2014.
Result of the study shows that according to the government solution guideline to rubber price
problem in the past, groups of farmers have participated in the project in order to obtain benefits of selling
rubbers in higher price to Rubber Estate Organization than the market approximately 1-2 Thai baht per
kilogram which enables to mitigate sufferings from the fluctuated rubber price. Yet the crofters will not benefit
from the project. As the sale condition of Rubber Estate Organization restricts to Farmer’s Institute, Small
and Micro Community Enterprise and Cooperatives so as to strengthen the Farmer’s Institute to be
competent for processing rubber products such as rubber lumping, rubber selection and rubber quality
control and rubber storage etc. Farmers will receive higher income and stable career as well as enhance
the Farmer’s Institute to be competitive.
According to the short-term measures of rubber solution, providing financial assistance to
farmers who possess not over than 25 rai of rubber tapping areas by paying 2,520 Thai Baht per rai.
The operation from Department of Agriculture shows that there are some groups of farmers who cultivate
rubber in the areas which are not included in the Certificate of Ownership which endorsed by Royal
Forrest Department and request for governmental aids similar to other farmers who already received the payment.
In mid and long term measures, the assistance will be provided to competent Farmer’s
Institute to receive loans as revolving funds to trade rubbers. For any Farmer’s Institute that does not have
processing factory or do have one but need to be renovated can use this loan for construction or renovation
of the factory or use the loans as capital after the construction completed. The guideline of loan support
with lessen interestห to rubber operators to increase production capacity and improve the machinery. The
mentioned 3 measures are in working process of responsible functions.
The research of the rubber solution for economic security by evaluating previous rubber
situations in The Farmers’ Institute for Rubber Stability Development Project and The Rubber Solution
Project (2014).