Title The Guideline in developing the roles of Associate Judges in young juvenile
and family court
Field Politic
Name Mr.Kritpong Padungpattanodom Course NDC Class 62
The Guideline in developing the roles of Associate Judges in young juvenile and
family court for encouraging the strength of justice procession and helping to judge and making
decision in many cases. The objectives of the researcher were to study all disciplines and
guideline thoughts in appointing Associate Judges in young juvenile and family court and to study
the roles of associate judges in young juvenile and family court in the present and to suggest the
guidelines involving to develop the roles of Associate Judges in young juvenile and family court.
The results found that Thai associate judges has his own duty along the law and
responsibility to manage and adjust their behaviors of young juveniles to back up and promote
their living process according to the right norms of Thai society. Therefore, the development of
capabilities of Thai associate judges had to stressed and concentrated their knowledge,
psychological of young juvenile, the progress of using and increasing the information technology
especially online information technologies. The development of this working were to develop and
create all beliefs and attitude and devoting themselves for young juvenile groups and developing
personal capabilities. Encouraging themselves to make their duties, studying cases and closing
with young juveniles in their responsibilities. The study of details in committing their crimes and
enough times in investigating all papers in cases thoroughly and completely were the most
important thing efficiently.