เรื่อง: การพัฒนาศักยภาพด้านดิจิทัลเพื่อลดความเหลื่อมล้ำและสนับสนุนการเติบโตทางศรษฐกิจแบบทบทวีคูณ ภายใต้แผนยุทธศาสตร์ชาติ 20 ปี, (วปอ.8758)
วิทยาลัยป้องกันราชอาณาจักร, นายพิพิธ เอนกนิธิ, (วปอ.8758)
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Title Digital Capability Enhancement: A Measure to Mitigate Inequality and Support
Exponential Economic Growth under Thailand"s 20-Year National Strategy
Field Economics
Name Mr.Pipit Aneaknithi Course NDC Class 61
Unprecedented advancement in digital technology is certain to redefine economic and
social landscapes in ways previously unimagined, and exponential economic growth brought about by
digital innovations will be phenomenal. However, to be able to reap the true benefits from this rapid wave
of technological growth, one needs to be digitally capable. On the flipside, a lack of digital skills will
become the definitive social barrier for underprivileged people to live, to learn, to develop and to work in
society. Regardless of how exponential the growth is, those lacking digital skills will be at risk of being
left behind. It is these circumstances that inevitably pose a challenge to Thailand"s development goal
under the 20-Year National Strategy in delivering equitable and inclusive growth. Growth has never been
inclusive in Thailand, and this digital-driven growth can potentially perpetuate and exacerbate Thailand"s
inequality issues.
Adopting the concept of digital literacy and skills from Sheng and Cheng (2017), and the
framework set by the UK"s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills in collaboration with the
Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, we conducted a survey among 17,599 samples and found
that as little as 1.2 percent of the sampling population had sufficient digital skills to prepare them for the
future"s disruption. Further, we attempted to identify factors that determine the level of digital knowledge
among Thai individuals, employing the Binary Logistic Regression Model and the Multiple Linear
Regression Model; empirical results indicate that age, education and income level have significant causal
relations with the level of digital knowledge. Finally, having classified the population at risk of failing to
adapt to changes into six segments according to risk level, we identified that those most likely to be left
behind are people born before 1981 with less than a high school education and a monthly income lower than
15,000 Baht, while those least likely to be left behind are those born in and after 1981 with more than a high
school education and a monthly income higher than 15,000 Baht. ?
These results have significant implications for human development policy formation. It is
imperative that, in order to achieve equitable and inclusive growth, mass customization of policy be
designed to address the unique characteristics of different population segments. Indeed, today"s
advancement in technology and the rise of Big Data are the main ingredients for individualization of
development policies to be possible in the near future, an approach consistent with Amartya Sen's
Capability Approach of human development. Nonetheless, this paradigm shift in development policy
concepts would require a public administration reform that comprises a designated agency with an
integrated approach to bridge inequality gaps in all aspects. Moreover, local authorities should be
empowered through a system of decentralized governance with a rigorous budgetary system and
comprehensive evaluation process in accordance with the Precision Government Model.