เรื่อง: แนวทางการกำหนดนโยบายส่งเสริมการบริโภคอาหารเพื่อสุขภาพที่ดีของประชาชน, (วปอ.8733)
วิทยาลัยป้องกันราชอาณาจักร, นางสาวประกายดาว เขมะจันตรี, (วปอ.8733)
เรื่อง แนวทางการแก้ไขปัญหาหนี้ในระบบที่ไม่เป็นธรรมในธุรกิจลีสซิ่ง
ลักษณะวิชา การเศรษฐกิจ
ผู้วิจัย นางสาวประกายดาว เขมะจันตรี หลักสูตร วปอ. รุ่นที่ ๖๑
Title : New modern retail platform and retail ecology to provide local
traditional retail community with more modern retail management
to be competitive with modern retailers.
Field : Economics
Name: Mr.Viboon Wongsakul Course NDC Class 61
The objective of this research is to study supporting system for enhancing
traditional trade in Thailand. Modern trade retailers have played important role in
the market and continues to gain share from traditional trade retailers. In addition,
New technology also disrupted the retail market and has blended with consumer
lifestyle which drive traditional retailers to lose their sale and market share.
This research was conducted in a quality approach by gathering information
from various sources including Thailand’s 20-Year National Strategy, literature review,
secondary data collection, case study and experiences of experts. Subsequently,
gathered information was analyzed to define new “Modern Retail Ecology Platform”
as well as analyzing on elements of retail platform system and social benefit aspects
The main problem focused in this research is traditional retailers disruption,
especially small and medium size businesses, which requires to be competitive with
modern trade retailers. It is, therefore, necessary that the country shall implement
“Modern Retail Ecology Platform” as soon as possible to prevent the collapse of
traditional retailers which led to many problems in Thai local community and society
in the near future. Moreover, this issue will lead to subsequent huge gap in the
country’s distribution of incomes between the rich and the poor larger and larger.
Besides, The suggested direction for Thai traditional retail businesses is to move
towards “Omni-Channel” model which is a fully-integrated retail business model that
provides shoppers a unified experience across online and offline channels. Omni-Channel
platform would enhance and strengthen Thai traditional retailers to extends from brickand-mortar format to mobile-browsing, e-commerce marketplaces, on-line storefronts,
social media, and etc. “Thailand Retail Platform Online-to-Offline: O2O project” is highly
recommended to be developed with key modern retail strategic partners to cover main
system components which comprise of e-order, e-payment and e-logistics and many more
retail infrastructures. In addition, this Project would directly benefit to community from
providing local products and services which led to higher employment rate and better
income distribution. As aforementioned reasons, this Project could be the role model of
Thai local economy to drive and sustain Thai economy in the long run according to
Thailand’s 20-Year National Strategy, especially to substantially improve the income
distribution more and more to local retail communities all over Thailand which will
bring the higher incomes to the poor resulting in smaller incomes gap with the rich