Title Integrated approach of the Thai military in the digital age to help
the victims.
Field Social - Psychology
Name Rear Admiral Benya Navanugraha Couse NDC Class 61
This study has the following objectives 1) to study the integrated
approach of the Thai military to help the victims. 2) To find ways to integrate the
Thai Army in helping those affected by the disaster following the areas and people
affected. 3) To study how to use tools in the digital age to be used in the integration
of the Thai army.
This research is qualitative. Using data collection by document research
method and In-depth interview of academics and those with experience in helping
disaster victims. Take the data that has been analyzed to make recommendations
for disaster prevention and mitigation of the Thai army. And use digital technology to
integrate information between the armed forces and other external agencies.
The study shows the Thai army and the civilian Including at the
government level have plans to help disaster victims that has been improved and
developed respectively but still lacking integration. The integration of the Thai army
in helping the disaster victims in normal times, when disaster strikes and
rehabilitation after the disaster there should be a focus of driving into action to
reduce the risk of disaster. Reducing the risk of disaster to sustainable development
that necessary to be integrated with all sectors, from normal times. In particular,
a Thai army is a unit that has the troops at the location of the unit in all areas of
Thailand that should be the primary unit for joint integration with public and private
agencies by starting from the normal time with advance arrangements especially the
area that has been repeatedly plagued. The Thai army should have integrated into
the collection of information on various matters to cover. And integrated into
disaster relief training between the armed forces and seriously continuous Training
with the civil disaster relief unit and allow people in the area to participate in the
training as well. Thai army should have integrated information with other relevant
agencies through digital technology in all phases of disaster relief.