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National Defence Studies Institute

เรื่อง: ศัลยแพทย์หลอดเลือดส่วนปลายกับความมั่นคงในการให้บริการด้านสาธารณสุขในประเทศไทย, (วปอ.8706)

มิติเทคโนโลยี/วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี/Science and Technology
วิทยาลัยป้องกันราชอาณาจักร, พ.อ.ธำรงค์โรจน์ เต็มอุดม, (วปอ.8706)


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Abstract Title Vascular surgeons on the stability for healthcare service in Thailand Field Science and Technology Name Col. Thamrongroj Temudom Course NDC Class 61 The increase of the government health welfare, the era of aged society, the increasing in number of chronic patients, the emerging of new diseases, the expanding of private hospitals and the higher expectation of people on medical healthcare specialists lead to higher needs toward medical specialists. On the contrary, there is not enough medical schools to produce medical specialists and uneven distribution of physicians and producing medical specialists which are inconsistent with healthcare system as well. The available positions for the training are less than the number of physicians who would like be the medical specialists. One of the highest demands of medical specialists is a vascular surgeon. The reasons are vascular surgeons are be able to treat different types of vascular related problems, including artery and vein to their patients. According to the study of the number of physicians in 2018, the total number of physicians in Thailand is 43,000 persons. However, there are only 120 vascular surgeons. And out of 120 surgeons, 68 of them work in Bangkok and Bangkok metropolitan region. Only 52 vascular surgeons work around other provinces of Thailand. With the limited number of vascular surgeons, the long period of time it takes to train new vascular surgeons and the small number of them can be trained yearly. On the other hands, each year, the number of patients who needs to be treated from vascular surgeons increase rapidly. If this unbalance trend keeps continuing, this crisis will affect the healthcare-service system in Thailand. When some people in this country are not well-being, the effect will later become national security crisis. From 20 vascular surgeons’ interview, from central and regional area, the study can be divided into 5 main reasons that makes Thailand lack of vascular surgeons. Out of 45 percent of the respondents thinks that the cause of lacking vascular surgeons is lack of good supports. The reasons are not enough institutions for vascular surgeons, lack of educational opportunity of children, uninterested to continue to study general surgeon of general physicians and uneven distribution of vascular surgeons in Thailand. 40 percent is lacking of appropriate medical devices, equipment ฃ and modern technology. 35 percent agrees that too much work load. 30 percent thinks the reasons are small amount of income and compensation etc. The suggestion and solution are adding the training institutions, increase welfare and compensation, and integrate innovation to apply for vascular treatment to the patients.