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National Defence Studies Institute

เรื่อง: การพัฒนาการจัดการศึกษาด้านเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ และการสื่อสารสำหรับนักเรียนทหารของกองบัญชาการกองทัพไทย, (วปอ.8652)

วิทยาลัยป้องกันราชอาณาจักร, พ.อ.เฉลิมชัย รื่นภิรมย์, (วปอ.8652)


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ABSTRACT Title Development of Education Management in Information and Communication Technology for Military Students of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters Field Military Name Colonel Chalermchai Rurnpirom Course NDC Class 61 The purpose of this is to study and analyze educational management in information and communication technology for military the students of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters Study problems and obstacles in the implementation of educational management in information and communication technology and to provide guidance on the development of educational management in information and communication technology for military students of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters. The results of the research were as follows Analysis of educational management in information and communication technology for military students found that education policy on information and communication technology must be considered thoroughly from both the student side, equipment, infrastructure systems to support education In information management system, education information, rules and regulations regarding the use of information and communication technology are still limited. Which has both advantages and disadvantages guidelines for solving the problem of this ban the schools must have sufficient basic equipment or may be allowed to use in case of necessity but must have a risk assessment in practice if it is negative It is used to reduce the protocol, avoid deterrence, have steps from light to heavy. The Guidelines for the development of educational management in information and communication technology for military students of the Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters must first develop at the student body Building technology skills cyber security awareness, which led to the standardization of skills understanding and use of digital technology. The technology should be used to promote academic administration and the instruction media emphasizing practicality such as; creating a lab computer networking Lab, so the students can practice and understand cyber threats In addition to it should encourage the establishment of a fiber optic network system, set up an access point system for military students to access media to search for knowledge from the Internet can find knowledge by their own. Suggestions should include development guidelines. Improve the infrastructure to be fiber systems with Wifi to cover the whole school including the procurement of computers and advanced equipment. To use of modern information technology as tools for educational development to have a process to promote learning and develop personnel to have media literacy and digital fluency, including knowledge about technology and communication. Support and encourage educational personnel to have training opportunities. The study tour of information and communication technology to drive and develop education management in accordance with national and military education plans. Seminar should be held between military schools and military institutions that is responsible for overseeing. To lead to the development of an educational technology education model and communication for further military students. (