เรื่อง: แนวทางการจัดการแรงงานต่างด้าวในงานธุรกิจบริการ, (วปอ.8624)
วิทยาลัยป้องกันราชอาณาจักร, ร.อ.หญิง กันตวรรณ แก้วบัวดี, (วปอ.8624)
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Title : The Guideline for Alien Labour Management in Service Business Affairs
Field : Social Psychology
Name : Lieutenant Kantawan Kawebuadee Couse NDC Class 61
The objective of the research(s title of the guideline for alien labour management in
service business affairs is to study on 1. the reason and necessity that must use alien labour
in replacement of Thai labour and the concept of alien labour management in service business
affairs, 2. the circumstance of the domestic labour shortage and requirement, and 3. an analysis of
problems and obstacles for acquisition of alien labour in service business and corrective
guideline. This research is a qualitative research by study of data from documents, data collection
by observation and detailed interview method. The key informants of this research study consist
of two main groups of the close related parties of the alien labour. Group 1 includes the
administrative officers of Department of Employment, Ministry of Labour. Group 2 includes the
large-scale and alien labour-intenstive business owners, or the representatives in charge of
labour/employees. The finding of the research results could be summarized that the reasons of the
requirement for use of alien labour in replacement of Thai labour have been due to an
unpopularity of most of Thai people to work by use of heavy labour, the few employment of the
neighboring countries, and the domestic problems both in the areas of economy and society where
the nationals have had low quality of life. In addition, the entrepreneurs in Thailand have
expanded their investment and increased production rate, resulting in necessity to add tools,
machineries and workers, particularly in the service business that labour intensive has been
required. Therefore, the alien labour must be used in replacement. The government policy has not
been the significant problem or obstacle of the recruitment process for alien labour employment.
However, the entrepreneurs must bear a recruitment expense burden for the employees who are
alien labor but they must frequently confront with the problem of the employee(s leave from
work, becoming the current occurred problem. Therefore, the Government should issue an
assistance measure for more fairness in this regard or on the other hand, the technology
application may be required by the entrepreneurs to contribute in the worker reduction.