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National Defence Studies Institute

เรื่อง: ทิศทางการพัฒนาโครงการพัฒนาศักยภาพของหมู่บ้านและชุมชนเพื่อความมั่นคงของประเทศ

วิทยาลัยป้องกันราชอาณาจักร, รองศาสตราจารย์ นที ขลิบทอง




Abstract Title Directions for developing projects for Village and Community Capacity Development for national security Field Economics Name Associate Professor Natee Khlibtong Course NDC (JSPS) Class 26 The purpose of this research includes the following: 1) study the performance of the Village and Community Capacity Development Project; and, 2) examine obstacles to and provide solutions for project management by proposing guidelines for improving projects that enhance national stability. The research focuses on the performance of the present Thai Government. The data analyzed herein was collected from secondary document sources and from in-depth interviews of relevant officials, members of the Village and Community Capacity Development Project committees, and technical experts. The findings indicate that the Village and Community Capacity Development Project meet the objectives and goals set forth in the project design. Having access to the project can be beneficial to participating villages, communities, and others who participate in programs that promote life-long learning, quality of life, economic, social, and cultural literacy, participatory capacity strengthening, improvement of democratic institutions, and natural resources and environmental management. Furthermore, project implementation also enhances participatory mechanisms and project management skills of villages and communities. The main obstacles in implementing the Village and Community Capacity Development Project include the following: compliance to regulations; community coordination and facilitation; knowledge management; project procedures; and, policy discontinuity. Effective management skills, procedural improvements, and clarifications with stakeholders are recognized as the critical solutions. In the future, the project will document lessons learned from successful project experiences to facilitate the exchange of knowledge; to catalyze public and private sector participation; and, to identify government offices that are directly in charge of continuing project operations and increasing project efficiency and effectiveness. Based on the research results, the following recommendations are made: 1) monitor and evaluate project performance to report to the government; 2) explore further study of the project to obtain additional guidance and to gather information for more efficiently and suitably managing the public budget; and, 3) integrate resources from all sectors to empower local village and community development.