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National Defence Studies Institute

เรื่อง: การพิจารณาโทษทางวินัยของผู้บังคับบัญชาตามมติคณะกรรมการ ป.ป.ช.

วิทยาลัยป้องกันราชอาณาจักร, นาย ธรรมนูญ เรืองดิษฐ์




ABSTRACT Title : Examination of disciplinary penalties of commanding officer under NACC resolutions Field : Politics Name : Mr. Thammanoon Ruangdit Course NDC (J SPS) Class 26 Corruption is a problem of great importance that undermines national security. The National Anti-Corruption Commission ( NACC) was established as the main organization in investigation of exercises of public power through mechanisms under specific law. However, the laws, regulations and rules in regard of the power of commanding state officials are general laws. In a situation where the NACC has investigated and concluded with the resolution of disciplinary breach, the Chair of the Commission shall forward the case to the commanding officer of the accused to determine the disciplinary penalties in accordance with the resolution. This research examines the procedure in determining disciplinary penalties of commanding officials under resolutions of NACC with concentration on cases where the accused persons have been out of office. Furthermore, this research is of qualitative work focusing on the purposes and substance of related legislations, including decisions of the Constitutional Court and legal opinions of the Council of State. According to the research, the NACC has the authority to investigate and conclude on the faults of state officials, even cases where the official have been outgoing for no less than five or ten years. In addition, if, during the investigation, the accused officer is out of office due to any causes other than death, the NACC shall be entitled to proceed with investigative procedures. With regard to the legal opinion of the Council of State no. 547/ 2546, the commanding official shall have the authority to retroactively impose penalty to the time of retirement. However, the following legal opinions no. 566/2553 and no. 1362/2556 concluded that penalties cannot be enforced in cases of outgoing officials. This, in effect, makes the enforcement in accordance with the NACC’s resolution impossible. To achieve the underlying purposes of the Organic Act on Counter Corruption, B.E. 2542 and its amendments for effective fights against corruption. The accused officials should be punished to prevent future wrongdoings, and misunderstandings should be clarified for the purposes of the law. This research therefore suggests for the amendment of section 92, first paragraph, of aforementioned organic act.