Title National Policy : Biomass Energy (renewable energy and agriculture)
Field Science and Technology
Name Mrs. Thomthong Tantikijrungruang Course NDC(JSPS). Class 2&
The purpose of this research is to study Thai government police and the operation of
Bangkok Industrial Boiler Co,Ltd. on biomass energy from agriculture wastes. This research did
qualitative research as a methodology. The research found that Thailand is a agricultural country
with many agriculture wastes from farming and agricultural industry. Therefore, the Biomass
energy can become a significant alternative energy for Thailand. Thai government should
therefore improve its policy to promote iomas energy from agriculture wastes by promoting the
participation of the community and revise laws and regulation to support private sector in Biomas
energy. Electircity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) and Provincial Electricity Authority
(PEA) should improve the infrasturctures to support renewable energy. Finally, Thai government
should promote the technology research as priority to improving alternative energy industry.