Title: Problems and Demands for Foreign Workers Employment in Thai
Panel Product Industry
Field: Strategy
Name: Chaiwat Thaweepiriya Course: NDC (JSPS) Class: 26
The objectives of this research were to study the problems and demands for foreign workers
employment in Thai panel product industry and to compare the problems and demands for foreign
workers employment in Thai panel product industry. A sample of 100 cases were collected from
employees of 25 companies which be the member of Thai Panel Product Industry Club, The
Federation of Thai Industries. The tools used to collect data was questionnaire.
The result of this research found that the problems of process and related agencies were at the
medium level due to the unclear labor law and related policies. The Procedures of registration and
cancellation of foreign worker were complicated and time-consuming. The environmental problems
and management and the problems of the foreign worker itself were less. Foreign workers were
discipline and responsible for the tasks assigned. The can adapt to the job and able to communicate
with others workers.
The demand for foreign workers for society purposes were at the high level. It found that the
foreign workers were diligence and enduring to hard work. They were reliable and trustworthy. They
lived in the provided property, so it was easier for the management procedure. The demand for
foreign workers for economy and politics purposes are moderate. The shortages in semi-skilled and
unskilled labor were the main factors that caused the demand for foreign workers. In addition, foreign
workers strictly follow the company policies and can remain at work during various festivals.
Moreover, the cost of health insurance to foreign workers was in a reasonable rate.