Title Introduction of the Sufficient Economy Initiative Philosophy to the active duty
Field Social -Psychlogy
Name Colonel Sant Jitprasong Course NDC Class 56
The objectives of this research are to study the situation of our active duty recruits in the
Royal Thai Army on their day to day living basis, and to studies by providing the suitable ways to
apply on the Sufficient Economy Initiative Philosophy for our active duty recruits. This is a
qualitative research from a theories and papers concerned along with the interviews from those
involved as a group and individuals in order to receive the insights information on their daily
basis living. The interviews conducted to 94 recruits who had gained less than 1/3 of their
monthly payment. And among those 94 recruits, 74 were in group and 20 were insight. The
analyze and average mean are accorded to the ranks of the audience together with the studies on
the rules and regulations concerning the salary chart, loans and the daily life.
The result of this research of those active day recruits from Sakaew Military Province has
shown the average daily living. The understanding and knowing on the Sufficient Economy
Initiative Philosophy is in the lower level. The others were average.
Provide and paste on the knowledge on the Sufficient Economy Initiative Philosophy is
necessary for they can apply them to their everyday livings, because the monthly payment of our
active duty recruits run in the range of the low to average level. The recruits shall have to be very
caution on the cost of living by adjusting themselves to suit today’s economy.