Title Policy on the Use of Fishing Vessels to Enhance Security
Field Strategy
Name Vice Admiral Surapak Dharachan RTN. Course NDC Class 60
National Defense it's everyone's duty. In some situations all military use
may not be able to stop the situation. All available military forces may not be
enough to defense. Mobilization and join forces are important to protect the
Kingdom to survive. Fishing vessels are an important strategic force that we can use
for military replacement immediately. See also, one shipbuilding it may take several
months or years. There is the use of fishing vessels concept for a long time but
cannot use in operations effectively. Assemble shortage of Thai labor, alienate
workers come to replacement in fishery sector. This is a major problem for
mobilization. The objectives of this research are analytical study marine time defense
and security, national security policy and mobilization policy to enhance national
defense security. Specific issues are fishing vessels force for military replacement.
The results showed that there are more than forty thousand fishing
vessels and boats in Thailand that is the strength of Thailand. They can be used for
national security and national defense by military operations and supports. By the
effectively problem and alienate workers problem which are the major obstacle
mobilization and join forces. There are three importance things for the readiness
policy. Prepare fishing vessels, prepare people and prepare the weapons. Not just
only fishing vessels but there are many things and powers from the other sectors
can be used and mobilize and join for the other national crisis which should be
prepare the pre-plan.