Title Development on establishment of joint administrative centre for Royal
security provision within Bangkok metropolis area
Field Strategy
Name Air Marshal Vanchai Chatjareonporn Course NDC Class 56
Based on the fact that the political conflict of the Thais often refer to the Monarchy which may
lead to potential risks, in this respect, the researcher is of opinion that there are some roomsof
improvement for the Joint Administrative Centre for Royal Security Provision within Bangkok
Metropolis Area under the responsibility of the Metropolitan Police Bureau.The researcher aims to
encourage the establishment of the Joint Administrative Centre for Royal Security Provision within
Bangkok Metropolis Area in accordance to the Doctrines for Security Provision set forth by the Royal
Aide-de-Camp Department in 2013. The Centre could be a prototype for security provision focusing on
the work procedure of a commander and heads of executing units within the Bangkok Metropolis Area to
be responsive to and with understanding of the procedure for security provision in the inner circle
responsible by the Royal Aide-de-Camp Department. The researcher has studied and analyzed various
formations of the Joint Administrative Centre for Royal Security Provision within Bangkok Metropolis
Area with the Doctrines on Security Provision set forth by the Royal Aide-de-Camp Department in 2013
as well as interviewed individuals who have provided royal security at the inner circle regarding potential
improvements.The findings would enhance security provision efficiency within the Bangkok Metropolis
Area. The procedure for security provision could be summarized in four steps as follows:
Step 1: Preparation
1.1 In the area inspection meeting, representative of the Commissioner of
the Metropolitan Police Bureau has to benot less than deputy superintendent and has to act as the
Head of the Security Provision Centre on the actual day.
1.2 Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Bureaudetermines the report
formation and submit to theRoyal Aide-de-Camp Department within a specific time.
Step 2: Execution Prior to Royal procession
Head of the Security Provision Centre and Head of the Advanced Team of
the Royal Aide-de-Camp Department open the Security Provision Centre two (2) hours prior to
the Royal Procession; announce the security provision plan to ensure mutual understanding of
each unit heads and inspect all areas to ensure readiness prior to the actual procession.
Step 3: During the Royal Procession
Head of the Security Provision Centre and Head of the Advanced Team of
the Royal Aide-de-Camp Department collaborate with the entourage team to monitor any problem
that may rise.
Step 4: After the Royal Procession
Head of the Security Provision Centre gather all obstructs and problems
before reporting to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Bureau.
The researcher would like to recommend that that Royal Aide-de-Camp Department
revise and disseminate the knowledge on the Doctrines on Security Provision set forth by the
Royal Aide-de-Camp Department in 2013 to relevant governmental agencies whereby the latter
produce operational manual for each position with clarity.