Title: Challenges in Geostationary Orbital Slot Reservation/
Coordination and Suggestions for Cooperation between State
and Public Sectors
Field: Science and Technology
Name: Mr. Paiboon Panuwattanawong Course NDC Class 57
The objective of this research paper is to review and analyse current
process and issues associated with orbital slot and radio frequency reservation/
coordination together with trends of challenges and obstacles against successful
coordination. The research is limited to the area of geostationary satellite orbits for
satellite communications. This paper is based on qualitative study of orbital slot and
radio frequency reservation/coordination process governed by International
Telecommunication Union - ITU as well as the experience in participation in
frequency coordination process and World Radio-communication Conference - WRC
of the research team. The research is also based on data collection and discussions
with a number of leading satellite and ground equipment manufacturers. It is found
out that the challenges and obstacles against successful frequency coordination
have increased significantly due to increasing global demand for the use of
geostationary orbits and radio frequencies. However, there have also been
invocation and development in satellite and ground equipment that can lend
themselves to more efficient design of satellite and ground segment for efficient and
flexible use of radio frequencies. This research paper also proposes a number of
suggestions for the cooperation between the state and private sectors in making
reservation/coordination of orbital slots in order to increase the probability of
achieving successful coordination of geostationary satellite orbital slots and radio
frequencies which are very important for the economics development and national