Title A Guideline for Credit Bank System for Skills Development
Field Social - Psychology
Name Mr. Phichet Tongpan Course NDC. Class 66
This research aims to 1) study and analyze concept, theory and procedures
related to credit bank system 2) study and analyze challenges of credit transfer and
how to link credit bank system in Thailand and 3) design guideline of credit bank
transfer for workers those who obtained skill development from the Department of Skill
Development (DSD)through qualitative research. The purposive sample case of this
study are representatives from relevant organization and stakeholders involved with
credit bank system. The intensive interview with the meeting record or group discussion
memo will be reviewed via content analysis methodology for the purpose of designing
the draft guideline of credit bank transfer system following by the peer review in order
to develop a proper guideline of credit bank transfer system in the Department of Skill
Development (DSD).
The research indicates the following finding; 1) credit bank system is the support
system which allow people to collect their study result in form of credit 2) credit bank
systems in the other countries are progressively developed. They combined both the
traditional study result with credit bank and adopted them as lifelong learning policy.
3) there are supportive concept, law and researches for credit bank system in Thailand
but the concrete guideline and responsible organization are not yet set up; and 4) the current
guideline for credit bank transfer for workers those who obtained skill development are
as follow : (1) certification from skill standard test (CS) (2) certification from training (CT)
and (3) certification from work experiences (CP).
Hence, the policies recommendation based from the research are : 1) concrete
policies are required 2) responsible organization should be identified 3) awareness
raising about credit bank system must be prioritized 4) a well-designed ICT is needed
in order to support the link of the system, and 5) lesson learned from oversea should be
considered as a sample for credit bank system development.