เรื่อง: Study on current political events of Myanmar, (วปอ.10040)
ไม่ระบุ/not specified
วิทยาลัยป้องกันราชอาณาจักร, Col. Aung Khing Lin เมียนมา, (วปอ.10040)
Title : Study on Current Political Events of Myanmar
Field : Strategy
Name : Col Aung Khine Lin Course: NDC Class:65
Myanmar was a country under its own monarchy with dignity
since ancient times. Myanmar fell under the control of the British after
waging three wars, and the people had to live under the British
administration for over 120 years. The ethnic nationalities revolted
against the British. However, the revolution came to an end in 1896
due to the lack of unity, absence of cohesion, inability to mobilize
the entire population, insufficient weapons, and the lack of modern
critical thinking in leadership.
In the early 1900s, the Burmese established the YMBA
(Young Men’s Buddhist Association) and resumed mobilization
based on religious activities. In 1920, the General Council of
Burmese Associations (GCBA) - also known as the Great Burma
Organisation - was formed, which was larger and stronger than the
YMBA. Moreover, the Doe Bamar Asiayone (We Bamar
Association) materialized in Myanmar. In August 1940, Thakin
Aung San and Thakin Hla Myaing secretly left the country to keep
in touch with foreign countries to learn military education and get ii
weapons. They got in contact with Colonel Suzuki, who was sent by
the Japanese Army.
The Japanese agreed to provide weapons and military
assistance. A group of 30 Burmese youths learned military skills
from the Japanese in early 1941. Thirty Burmese youths learned
military skills in China and were reorganized group by group in
Bangkok, Thailand in December 1941. The Burmese Independence
Army (BIA) was formed on December 27, 1941, in Bangkok,
Thailand and resolutely resisted British colonial rule together with
the entire population. In early March 1945, leaders of the Burmese
Army, the People's Revolutionary Party, and the Burmese
Communist Party held a meeting in Rangoon for the Fascist
revolution. At the meeting, they decided to revolt against the Fascist
Japanese in the respective military theatres.
Burma was re-occupied by the British Forces. In December
1946, British Prime Minister Atlee invited a delegation led by
General Aung San to London to discuss the independence of Burma.
Aung San-Atlee Agreement was signed. Myanmar returned to the
status of an independent sovereign State on January 4, 1948.
Successive governments administered the country from
1948 to date. In 2010, the multi-party democratic general elections
were held. The Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP)
won the elections, forming a new democratic government for the iii
first time from 2011 to 2015. The government prioritized four
reforms namely political reform, economic reform, governance
reform, and private sector development. President U Thein Sein
systematically handed over power to NLD the government on
March 30, 2016. The Tatmadaw took responsibility for the country
due to the fraud in elections held in 2020, prompting protests and unrest
in the country. iv