Title Maritime Hybrid Threats : The Impacts and Appropriate guidelines for
Security and Good order at sea
Field Strategy
Name Rear Admiral Nattapol Promkuntong Course NDC Class 65
Research on “ Maritime Hybrid Threats : The Impacts and Appropriate
guidelines for Security and Good order at sea”is a study of the form and nature of
threats and theguidelines for managing their impacts. Especially the security and peace
and order at sea caused by hybrid threats (Maritime Hybrid Threats) in order to
determine appropriate ways to reduce impacts. It is qualitative research with
descriptive and analytical methods. Data obtained from various forms and sources,
including interviews with representatives of various agencies involved in strategy and
policy in dealing with such problems. To obtain appropriate approaches to reduce the
impact of hybrid threats in the context of maritime security and order within the
maritime claimed area by Thailand. The research was found that there was a trend
and possibility that threats in the maritime area would involve a combination of the
use of various forces, either simultaneously or in succession, and unconventional
pattern.The actors can be both state and non-state actors.The main agencies involved
are the Royal Thai Navy (RTN) and the Thai Maritime Enforcement Command Center
(Thai MECC). They have to integrate operations with other relevant government
agencies to create maritime domain situation awareness and guidelines for multiagency coorperatioin. Moreover, the relevant laws and regulations must be checked
and reviewed to keep up with the threats.The urgent matter seem to be cyber threats
and maritime situational awareness.