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National Defence Studies Institute

เรื่อง: Security Challenges in Thailand’s Southern Border Provinces Civil and Security Forces Perspective, (วปอ.9173)

วิทยาลัยป้องกันราชอาณาจักร, Brig Gen Amer Mahmud bin Abdul Rahman, (วปอ.9173)


ติดต่อหน่วยเจ้าของ (N/A)


i Abstract Title : Security Challenges in Thailand’s Southern Border Provinces : Civil and Security Forces Perspective Field : Strategy Name : Brigadier General Amer Mahmud bin Abdul Rahman RMAF Course : NDC Class 62 The true extent of the challenges and difficulties faced by the Thai Security Forces in addressing the security issues in Thailand’s Southern Border Province compared to how the civil population views the effectiveness of the security measures implemented has not been clearly described. Incidences of violence continue to present security threats for both security forces and the general public despite years of government efforts and commitments in trying to resolve this issue. In seeking the desired strategic security initiatives, key research questions that need to be answered are; (i) What are the security issues and their root causes to conflict in Southern Thailand? (ii) What are the challenges security forces experience in addressing the security concerns of the general public in Southern Thailand and (iii) What are the security initiatives that can help Security Forces address the security challenges in Southern Thailand. Findings from this research have shown that security forces have continued to experience challenges in the counterinsurgency campaign due to many intervening variables which are beyond the capacity and capabilities of the security forces themselves to address, as many of the existing grievances which are inherited by past polices and miscalculation made by former governments are very complicated and difficult to resolve as it involves the sensitivities of culture and sovereignty. The combination of both political and economic instability is seen to further aggravate the socio-economic challenges which the Deep South have inherited for decades, creating further sense of neglect and providing the motivation for criminal activities, anti￾government sentiments and support for insurgents to occur which eventually leads to violence and civil unrest.ii Other than the unsettled grievances from the injustice of the past, trust issues towards security forces and government officials remain prevalent, mainly contributed by cultural differences, language proficiency and level of education that most of the population receive. This finding is significantly important as it reemphasise the importance of building trust and confidence in order to change the population’s perception towards the government which is within the capacity and capability of the security forces to accommodate and respond. On the positive side, research evidence has also shown that the level of incidents and violence have decreased in the last five years, contributed greatly by the stability of the security environment provided by the security forces. Despite the encouraging progress, findings in this research however foresee the conflict will take many years or decades to reach an agreement as addressing of the root cause of the conflict remains an obstacle which have not been resolved. Reasonable to say, counterinsurgency effort by the government must continue and formulation of better strategies is essential to accommodate and anticipate changes that may evolve in the security environment of the future.