Title Disruption in Universal Health Coverage and country security
Field Social -Psychology
Name Dr. Jadej Thammatacharee Course NDC Class62
The purpose of this research paper is to create a conceptual framework on
disruption for Thailand’s Universal Health Coverage (UHC) system. This is done by reviewing
literature and lessons from different parts of the world. Framework from the review aims to
explain Thailand’s UHC in the past and the future.
This research employ a qualitative research focusing on the experiences of the
researcher and the review of literature, thus it might have a limitation for explaining boarder
Changes from theories and new discoveries may affect the results from the analysis
in the future. The research discovered that the conceptual framework of disruption was able to
explain the establishment of the Universal Health Coverage system of Thailand. Moreover the
conceptual framework of disruption was also able to be employed as a tool in improving UHC, by
comparing different systems in Thailand and within the system itself.