Title : Logistic Policy to Support the Economic Project of East-West Corridor
Field : Economics
Name : Mr.Pravit Saremonusorn Course NDC Class 61
The objectives of this research were to study the guidelines and the government
policy in developing the economic corridor project of East-West coast by means of Logistics and
to analyze the situations affected towards the development of Logistic system and to support the
economic corridor of East-West coast in Thailand and to suggest the suitable Logistic system to
support the economic project of East-West Corridor.
The result found that the economic corridor path (East-West coast) was considered
the proceeding strategy development of coordination among neighboring countries surrounding to
enhance Thailand to the leader of the ASEAN Economic Community and the center of economy,
trade and network of transportation in the region. The advantage of creating of high potential in
production in Thailand comprised of the formulation of target of strategy in Thailand and
included 4 approaches were 1.Creating the linkage of the economic corridor East-West coast
industrial production and energy, the strategy of development in investment, the strategy of the
linkage in logistic system and product transportation and the strategy of the linkage of Thailand
and Dawei project in Myanmar sustainably.2. Creating the linkage of the industrial production
and energy for the usefulness of Production base of large industrial products and Myanmar/s
other resources.3. The development of the trade and investment system to activate and encourage
the trade and investment including to increase the ability of access the service involving the
investment and business procedure.4. The development of high potential of small and medium
enterprises in Thailand to invest in the neighboring countries. 5.Creating the linkage of logistic
system and product transportation and to encourage of efficiency the transportation and trade
activities and 6. Creating the linkage of Thailand and Myanmar relationship completely and sustainably
and to encourage and increase the economic social relationship among many countries.