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National Defence Studies Institute

เรื่อง: การบันทึกถ้อยคำพยานซึ่งมีถิ่นที่อยู่ในต่างประเทศ โดยกงสุลสยาม, (วปอ.8618)

วิทยาลัยป้องกันราชอาณาจักร, นางกรรณิการ์ พลเยี่ยม, (วปอ.8618)


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 Abstract Title : Statement of witness who having domicile in abroad pubished by Siam Consul Field : Politics Name : Mrs.KannikaPhonyiam CourseNDC Class61 Today, crimes are committed by exploiting technological development in the way that the perpetration was made across the borders between two or more states. While severity and damages are likely to increase, finding evidence for investigation has become more difficult. Common problems in this matter involve the situations where the witness is hard to locate or present oversea, and thus incapable of returning to Thailand to testify. Such drawback has resulted in the absence of evidence for the case and disqualification for the trial by the court of law. In order to present the evidence to the court as for the case when a particular witness resides outside Thailand and the investigation is impossible, under the code of criminal procedure section 230/2, paragraph one, the court permits the presentation of the recorded statements made by the witness confirming the facts or opinions of the deponent who resides overseas to the court instead of having the deponent in person testify at the court. Also, it is stated in section 230/2, paragraph three, that the signature of the deponent or the witness to apply section 47, paragraph three of the code of civil procedure, mutatis mutandis, is the signature of the deponent or the witness for the Siamese Consul. Therefore, Siamese Consul must be fully functional under the process of judgment defined by law. Consequently, the evidence will be rightfully and logically brought into trial by the court to be used as valuable evidence. Nonetheless, there has not been the issuance of the rules, regulations, training, or publicizing of the knowledge and information related to the recording of such statements. Officials at the Thai Consulate overseas thus lack the knowledge and understanding in their duties and mistakes in recording are possible. Additionally, those statement records are under the delicate discretion of the court as oral evidence and will not be the only thing to be considered unless concrete reasons are applicable, particular behavior associated with the case, or other evidence is supplemented. Hence, it is highly necessary that the statement records be made rightfully, properly, and truthfully. 5 Knowledge in the principle of hearing the evidence in the criminal case should be improved accordingly in case of the statement records under the code of criminal procedure section 230/2 to provide the associated authorized officials with the knowledge and understanding in making statement records as well as the level of the court6s discretion and hearing of the evidence. Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Department of Consular Affairs should declare the rules, regulations, or directives with respect to the making of the statement records for the facts or opinions of the deponent who resides overseas as defined by law.