Title : “Indonesian Maritime Security System in Transforming Towards Single
Agency Multi Tasks Pattern”
By : Colonel Navy Antongan Simatupang
Major Field : Politics/Military
Research Advisor : (Gp.Capt. Arthit Janejobsakonkit)
This research analyzes Indonesian maritime security system, which has been
transformed several times since the Dutch colonial era in Indonesia untill present. But
on current condition pattern is actually perceived ambiguous, so that makes a question
"Quo vadis Indonesia's maritime security holding pattern". Furthermore, this research
founds that the fundamental problem of system depend on several dichotomous
factors namely: Multi agencies system and single agency system; Combination maritime
security forces between Navy and civilian maritime institutions; Maritime country and
continental states; Large country or small country, etc. These factors should be taken
into consideration for choosing a pattern properly be implemented as maritime
security system of the country, including Indonesia. This reseach uses “three b
dimensions” as parameters for knowing the current system work properly, namely: The
Good order at sea dimension; The Cost-benefit dimension and The Naval power
dimension. These parameters also used for measuring the effectiveness and the
efficiency of current system in Indonesia (multi agencies system). Then it gives an idea
of thinking about direction of change ahead in holding pattern of Indonesia's maritime
security, so that the quality of Indonesian maritime security can be increased primarily
due to waters of Indonesia is very important for the world maritime traffic.