เรื่อง: การจัดหาพัสดุในรูปแบบการประมูลด้วยระบบอิเล็กทรอนิคส์ ศึกษากรณีของกรมพลาธิการทหารบก,Procurement auction in the form electronically by the Department of Army Logistics.
Title : Procurement auction in the form electronically by the Department of Army
By : Colonal Moragot thoasuwan
Major Field :
Research Advisor : Colonal
(Supathat Narindarabhakdi )
July ๒๐๑๔
The study. Procurement auction in the form electronically by the Department of
Army logistics. Purposes. To study. And problems in the procurement auction model
with the electronic system. Army Quartermaster Department, along with the
development of procurement guidelines in the form of a bid electronically. Army
Quartermaster Department.This study is a qualitative study. The study documents and
in-depth interviews. Of the major contributors to the group's executive officers and
supplies vendors are 8 people with the scope of the study. And the operations during
January 2556 to June 2556.
The results showed that Processes and procedures in procurement is also new
for the Army Quartermaster Department. Although never implemented procurement
electronically ago. However, as the rules have been amended over time. The need to
track and study in detail constantly. By procurement electronically. There are both
advantages and disadvantages. Since there is no time to plan in advance to procure
supplies. The agency operates and the lack of the specific features of the parcel. ง
Appropriate price set in the auction package. Including the selection of the service
provider market.
The findings of such a suggestion. Responsible procurement. There should be a
set of supplies. The technical specification should be clarified to make it clear that the
trade with the government. So that new vendors will have the opportunity to attend
the auction. Should be considered in the procurement price to match the market
price. The bid electronically. Should be given to the vendors Submitting technical
features as well as the day of the auction. This is to prevent potential fraud. Army
Quartermaster Department should develop an electronic procurement system that
can be connected to each other for all units. Should provide instruction on how to
perform the procedures and guidelines for the auction and to the staff who have been
involved in the same ways. Including the individual staff to acknowledge responsibility
in the performance of their duties should be evaluated. And tracking for the next time
to get to the obvious conclusion of procurement electronically. To guide the
development. Efficiently and in accordance with the principles of good governanc