เรื่อง: การพัฒนาระบบการเสริมสร้างคุณลักษณะผู้นำของนักเรียนนายร้อย โรงเรียนนายร้อยพระจุลจอมเกล้า
ไม่ระบุ/not specified
วิทยาลัยเสนาธิการทหาร, พ.อ. สันต์ชัย เกิดสวัสดิ์
เปิดเผยเฉพาะบางส่วน (ไม่เปิดเผยเนื้อหา)
Title : The Development of Enhancement System of the Leadership
Characteristics of Cadets of Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy
By : ColonelSunchai Kerdsawad
Major Field : Social-Psychology
Research Advisor : Colonel
( Norachai Wongdontri )
July 2011
Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy is the main educational institution
which produces officer of the army officer's commission to Thai Army. To provide
education and manage training to Army Cadet are Chulachomklao Royal Military
Academy missions. In order to be Thai Army good qualification, the important duties are
training, establish good habit or character, instill discipline, military psychology and
leadership, physical education and military strategic subjects.
Regarding to Thai Army educational policy (in 2007-2011 BC), the specific
policy that apply to Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy is training all Army Cadet
to be the typical officer of the army officer’s commission who has the good discipline,
know a custom of the Army devoted to nation and public by instillation leadership
military and strategic subjects.
According to the poll on the work quality satisfaction of a State agency that the
graduate(class56, Semester 2009) work with more than 1 year, reveals that the success of the study in this model is fundamental flaws in the punctual, table manners and ill-timed
the knowledge learned military forces are at least and they also lack of a military
leadership in a small sized division. The capability for being soldier teacher, soldier
character and the leadership rather a little more past generation and they have torn the
responsibility. Because of their private worlds, make the care pays attention to the
inferior less. Anyway there is oneself tall confidence but do not touch the time and the
situation; moreover, they lack of the knowledge in about the right that they should
The objective of this research proposal is invented for study the addition of
theoretical system to enhance Army Cadet Leadership qualities in present and offering
how to develop the system.
This research is Qualitative Research. The analysis of the interview documents
and depth by using primary information (primary data) is data from the observation , the
analysis document, interview of the Executive Officers, Administrative teachers and
other facilities and Army Cadet year1-4(Semester 2010)Secondary data is data from the
idea theory and the relevant research.
The result has received from the research found that the Chulachomklao Royal
Military Academy systems and all ritual is consistent with the system to enhance the
qualities of leadership in theory, but the system and all ritual have no procedure
specification / methods to achieve 14 leader points distinct qualities. The guidelines in
the development made by the system and the ritual of the whether the Army Cadet any
group will use any proceedings/methods to enhance the qualities of leadership and show
how the process will be resulted in the enhance the qualities of the 14 points, then the
research analysis has prepared guidelines in order to apply and development in the
future. The most important factors that make the guidelines success are Chulachomklao
Royal Military Academy Staffs; especially the Officers Administrative teachers and students from the command. New courses training programs, Army Cadet-year 1-4
manual training , living together in every year students, Administrative officers and
students Orientation, the arrangement of Army cadet Database System, these things will
be a part of the system that help to enhance the Army Cadet leadership qualities more