เรื่อง: วิเคราะห์การประสานการปฏิบัติเพื่อบรรเทาสาธารณภัยของประเทศไทย
ไม่ระบุ/not specified
วิทยาลัยเสนาธิการทหาร, นาย วราดิศร อ่อนนุช
เปิดเผยเฉพาะบางส่วน (ไม่เปิดเผยเนื้อหา)
By : Mr. Waradisorn Onnuch
Major Field : Socio - Psychological
Research Advisor : Group Captain
(Decha Kromsuriyasak)
July 2007
Nowadays, the disaster situation is the significant problem of every country in the world.
Especially, when the world has to change it’s geography. Disaster evens have a tendency to happen
more times and more damages. Therefore, the disaster management has the important role for
emergency response of the country and citizen well-being.
This study was to analyze the model of coordination and implementation of Thailand’s
disaster management. The results were to know about problems and causes of coordination and
implementation. The useful of this study is to improve in planning and developing of Thailand’s
disaster management.
The purposes of this study were to investigate and analyze the present of coordination and
implementation of Thailand’s disaster management, and to investigate problems and interruption of
coordination and implementation of agencies related disaster management.
There were two hypothesizes for the study, first, the present of coordination and
implementation of Thailand’s disaster management do still have problems and interruption. Second,
the ineffectiveness and inefficiency of coordination and implementation of Thailand’s disaster
management are caused by the deficiencyof disaster management factors. This research was quantitative research. The sample were 2 groups of disaster
administration officers(servants) and another group was citizens who suffered from
disasters(clients) in 8 provinces in Thailand; Chiengrai, Chiengmai, Ayuthaya, Pitsanulok,
Angthong, Pang-nga, and Phuket. The disasters which had been occurred in the provinces were
considered such as ; flood, land slided, earthquake, tsunami, etc. Total of sample were 492 ; 161
administration officers and 331 citizens. The research instruments were demographic questionnaires.
The statistics used in this research were frequency, percentage, mean, standard diviation,
t-test, correlation coefficients.
The results were concluded as follows:
1. Related with both of the hypothesis;
First, the present of coordination and implementation of Thailand’s disaster
management do still have problems and interruption of financial and material management
according with the financial department policy as of 2546 titled “government advanced budget for
emergency response” and the additional attachments (second volume) as of 2547, including rules,
regulations, notices, related conditions writings, which were unpracticable.
Second, the ineffectiveness and inefficiency of coordination and implementation of
Thailand’s disaster management are caused by the defection of disaster management factors. The
result revealed that the citizens concerned the basic structures of disasters administration such as
system, process and instruments. In communities, required the information and activities to
acknowledge people about the disaster management in communities such as leafs, brochures and
campaign activities.
Moreover, it was found that the cause of deficiency in the compose of disaster
management of the single agency came from the short of financial support problems and red tape
budget delivered processes. The overview study found that the resources management process only
focused on the proposed agency or in the local area. The factors of disaster management that should
be enhanced was the citizens involvement in the disaster protection and relief activities.
The major suggestions for solving the problems were as follow;
a. Related agency should realize about people participation in the prevention and relief
of disaster
b. The agency should consider the priority of budget and financial support on the
disaster relief issue.
c. The related agency should focus on the improvement of the emergency measure and resource comply and support system.
d. The suggestion to make the practical solution for the advanced support payment was
that to implement IT system to speed up the overall accounting process and increase more
communication channels such as wire system, radio wave system, satellite system, because the
disaster could have destroyed the basic communication channels.
e. Major agency and related agencies should concern about acknowledging people to
understand caused and predicted impact of the disaster and even to prepare the prevention and risk
However, The government should consider about setting and developing regulations and
measures to manage risk of disaster, such as warning practice and evacuation practice by setting the
simulate situations in the risk area.